Lanier County has finally finished with it’s debris pickup on the County Roads. At this time any debris is the land owners responsibility to remove or burn. The county does not have the equipment to pick it up.
Thank you to CTC Disaster Response, Sunderland, Tristar, and Rostan for all the long hours and hard work.
The following offices may be contacted during regular
business hours:
Lanier Board of Commissioners 229-482-2088
Lanier Board of Elections 229-363-9260
Lanier Extension Office 229-482-3895
Lanier Magistrate 229-482-2207
Lanier Probate 229-482-3668
Lanier Sheriff’s Office 229-482-3545
Lanier Superior Court 229-482-3594
Lanier Tax Assessor 229-482-2090
Lanier Tax Commissioner 229-482-3795